可以呀 我的同捉桌就是今年復習時才開始學的 今年考上了廣西大學呢
你可以去佰晟練字啊,他們的學費不貴的,主要是能學到東西,他們在柳州市綠地三期17-101佰晟練字(實驗小學對面) 電話 19155517132 微信同號
With the hot moisture permeating the air and the shining sun hanging in the sky,many yonng students,mostly urged by their parents,have to hurry here and there to further their study,which is called "extra class"
Obviously,this phenomenon has its own advantages.For students,they,more or less,can get academic improvements.Meanwhile,parents will feel more at ease without worrying if their children will go to cyber bars or playing video games all the day
However,"extra class" really has harmful effects. Summer vacations are precious days for youngsters to exercise their bodies and go out to expand their horizons. If equating vacations with extra classes,then our nowadays students---also the prospective adults in the future,will lose their most precious childhood
In my opinion,"extra class"is like a evil wind that should be condemned but not condoned,for it will degrade our yongsters' spirits
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